Our Mission
NLWS aims to provide a safe haven for injured and orphaned wildlife, promote education and conservation, and foster coexistence between humans and wildlife.
Our Mission Is...
- to provide young injured and/or orphaned wildlife with a safe and healthy environment.
- to mature our wards into adulthood, upon which they are released back to the wild.
- to educate the public about wildlife needs and what threatens them and how we can take steps to avoid conflict and assist in peaceful coexistence.
- provide on-going research to be compiled and shared with the public, educational facilities/students, government policy makers and other professionals.

Your Donations Save Lives!
Your donation saves Lives Donating to Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter saves wildlife by providing crucial resources for their care, such as food, shelter, and medical treatment. The shelter rescues and re-wilds injured or orphaned wildlife, giving them a second chance at life. Your donation can directly contribute to the well-being and survival of these vulnerable species.

Our Philosophy...
In today’s world our wildlife faces ever increasing challenges in their daily quest for survival as they share the space with humans. The immediate and obvious threats arise from death or injury due to such things as cars, trains, barb wire fencing and poaching. Furthermore, the continuous loss of habitat, ignorance of wildlife needs, public reactions and resulting government actions plus a general lack of data to assist in the creation of rules and laws that secure wildlife survival, pose a monumental hurdle in the quest to provide living space for wild animals.
Through providing shelter, feed and medical care we can help injured and/or orphaned wildlife until they can be rehabilitated in their natural habitat. Not only does this supply a moral solution to the question of: “what to do with such animals”, but it also offers an excellent opportunity for educating and involving the public and hence creating a better understanding and respect for the animals we live with.
The careful collection of scientific data and its availability to all interested parties ensures better knowledge and provides a platform for future projects and studies.

Our Mandate...
- To ensure that the government and other related organizations are aware of our existence.
- To provide transportation and possible capture of animals in need.
- To provide species specific feed, shelter and medical care for the duration of their stay.
- To provide species specific feed, shelter and medical care for non-releasable animals for the purpose of public education and awareness and data collection.
- To provide adequate facilities for the various types of animals in our care and to minimize human contact in order to ensure a high rehabilitation success rate.
- To prepare the wildlife for rehabilitation.
- Transport to rehabilitation grounds.
- To provide access on all data (i.e. milk formulas, feeding schedules, medical info etc.) arising from caring for wildlife.
- To enhance public education through presentations, written materials and if possible interaction with wildlife “ambassadors” (non-releasable or captive born wildlife).