Blog Article
Reading the NLWS blog provides insights into wildlife conservation, sanctuary activities, and animal stories, fostering awareness and understanding of wildlife and conservation issues.
Checking the health of the bears
We immobilized our new arrival, did a health check and found out if it is a male or female.
Fun Fact!
Did you know that bears exhibit minimal external signs of their gender, making it a true mystery without a close examination? When new bear arrivals come to wildlife rehabilitation centers, professionals must carefully immobilize and conduct thorough health checks to determine whether the bear is male or female. This careful process ensures each bear receives personalized care tailored to its specific needs.
Your Donations Save Lives!
Your donation saves Lives Donating to Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter saves wildlife by providing crucial resources for their care, such as food, shelter, and medical treatment. The shelter rescues and re-wilds injured or orphaned wildlife, giving them a second chance at life. Your donation can directly contribute to the well-being and survival of these vulnerable species.