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Save a Moose Project: A Critical Call to Action

A Legacy of Commitment For 38 years, Northern Lights Wildlife Society (NLWS) has been dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of moose, an endeavour sparked by the heartbreaking story of two orphaned moose calves. This story inspired our founders, Angelika and Peter, to establish a wildlife shelter, marking the beginning of a challenging yet rewarding journey. Despite their size, moose are surprisingly fragile, with unique dietary needs that took years and collaboration with a milk replacer manufacturer to meet effectively.
Challenges in Moose Rehabilitation Moose calves are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections like e-coli, which can quickly lead to severe health issues. Despite these challenges, our commitment never wavered. Over the years, we've successfully raised and released numerous moose back into the wild, with post-release monitoring showing these animals not only surviving but thriving and reproducing.
New Challenges and Adaptations Recent shifts in local population dynamics have introduced new challenges, with some new residents opposing the shelter's mission and using the released moose as hunting targets. This situation has made it unsafe to continue our traditional slow-release method in the area, necessitating a significant adaptation in our approach.
A New Strategy for a Safer Future To ensure the safety and health of the moose calves, we propose to fence 10 acres of bush land to provide secure browsing opportunities. Additionally, we plan to purchase a livestock trailer to transport and release the youngsters into safer environments. This new strategy is crucial to continue our rewilding efforts amid declining moose populations in BC, which have seen reductions of 50-70% in some regions.
Urgent Call for Support With Giving Tuesday on December 3rd and throughout the holiday season, we are urgently raising funds for this vital project. The estimated cost for the fencing and the trailer is $250,000. Without this, our ability to rescue moose in 2025 and beyond is in jeopardy.
How You Can Help Your support has always been the cornerstone of our success in overcoming challenges. As we face this critical hurdle, we count on you once again. Your contributions will provide these orphaned calves a chance to grow, thrive, and eventually contribute to the recovery of their species.
Ready to make a donation?
Double your gift! -- Your gift will be generously matched by our partners, up to a total of $78,000. Until midnight on December 3, your donation will be MATCHED --
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Your timely support can make all the difference for these magnificent creatures and the overall health of our ecosystems. Join us in ensuring that the moose of BC have a fighting chance at a natural and safe future.
Your Donations Save Lives!
Your donation saves Lives Donating to Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter saves wildlife by providing crucial resources for their care, such as food, shelter, and medical treatment. The shelter rescues and re-wilds injured or orphaned wildlife, giving them a second chance at life. Your donation can directly contribute to the well-being and survival of these vulnerable species.